Job Information
Unity Bookstore Clerk in Unity Village, Missouri
Bookstore Clerk
Job Details
Job Location
Unity School of Christianity - Unity Village, MO
Position Type
Part Time
Salary Range
$16.00 Hourly
Job Category
Customer Service
Position Summary: UnityVillage engagesthe spirit ofcommunitybywelcomingtocampus a broad range of guests.The objective oftheRetail and Customer Support positionisto help and serve all clients by creatingmemorableexperiencesthroughprofessional and exceptionalexecution of personal and retailinteractionswithguestsatUnityGifts&Books. Hours: Thurs, Fri, Sat. 10:30am - 5:30pm
TheOutreach Department atUnityVillageisseeking an organized,detail-oriented,deadline driven person who canprioritizetaskstoensure successful fulfillment and presentation asthe Retail and Customer Support ofUnityGifts&Books.
Essential Job Functions:
Ensurebest effortsto increasesales bymaintaininginventorylevels, supplies,and expensesandreportany changesindemandof goods cost that will affect profitability,
Maintainandutilize monthly, quarterly,andannualreportingtomonitorsalesandidentifyanylosses orstock wastages.
Plan, execute, and communicate special events for Unity Gifts and Books, including but not limited to promotions and sales, book launches and promotions,new productinformationand pop-up eventseffectivelyand efficiently.
Responsible for merchandising,styling,floor setplanning and execution, replenishment,campus eventpromotionsand specials, updates,shipment,basic salesreports,lossprevention,and customer service.
Receive andprocessallnewmerchandiseshipments.
Work with members of the Outreach Team regarding both internal and external vendor orders.
Completean 8-week rolling inventory at least 2 times a year; once in the spring, and again in the fall.
Ensure the Village Commons is neat and public ready daily, including stocking and maintaining the Outreach Table, watering plants, and requesting additional cleaning assistance from custodial services, as needed.
Responsible for maintaining a neat and organized stock room, Village Commons, display at the Unity Hotel and Conference Center, and the retail shop.
Other job requirements
Regularandreliable attendance and abilitytowork weekendstomeet theneedsof the client andinternalteams.
Adhere to allcompany anddepartmentalpolicies and proceduresperthe guidebookincludingall safetyrequirements.
Utilizeelectronic time managementsystemto inputtime, attendance and paid off request.
Mustrepresentand expressthemission,vision and values of Unity World Headquarters.
This isnotaremoteposition.
Non-Essential Job Funct i ons .
Demonstratestheability to positivelyinfluence otherdepartmentsby proactivelybuildingrelationshipswitheventsteam aswellas security, foodservices,specialservices,communications,etc.
Serve as back up to assigned events and retreats,and supportteam in executing events.
Education: High school diploma
Experience and Skills:
Retail experience required.
Well-organized with excellent multi-tasking abilities.
High attentionto detail.
Strongwrittenand verbalcommunication skills.
Ability to manage projects independently.
Proven experiencecommunicating at alllevelswithinanorganizationtointeracteffectively.
Computer Skills: Proficientend user ofMSOffice:Word,Excel andPowerPoint.
Competency Statement(s):
Leadership: Ableto providedirection,motivation,and modelbest practices.
Teamwork : Able to support a positive team environment in which membersparticipate, respect,and cooperatewith eachother to achievedesiredresults.
Job-Specific Knowledge and Skills: Abletoacquireandapplyknowledge,skills,and experienceto accomplishresults.
Values: Abletopromote a safe and inclusiveenvironmentof integrity andhonesty.
Physical/Mental Requirements:
NIA Not Applicable Activity - Not applicabletothis occupation
O OccasionallyPosition requiresthis activity upto33%of thetime (02.5+hrs/day)
F FrequentlyPositionrequires this activityup to33%ofthetime (02.5-5.5+hrs/day)
C Constantly Position requiresthis activity more than 66% ofthetime (5.5+hrs/day)
C InsideWork
0 Outside Work
0 Sitting/Workstation
C Use ofHands/Fingers
0 Exposure toTemperatures
F Standing/Walking
C Read/See
C Talk/Communicate
F Climb-Stairs/Ladders
0 Lifting20Maxlbs.
0 Traveling
N/A Exposureto Hazards
0 Stoop/Kneel/Crouch/Crawl
0 OperateEquipment/Company Vehicles
C List EquipmentType: PC, Telephone, Copier, Scanner,Badge System, Workers Comp Software, Benefits Systems, HRIS Systems,Testingand Assessment Software,Desktop Software
Work Environment: Retail/Shop Environment, Conference Room/Training Room Environment,Large Campus Setting
Other Duties: Pleasenotethisjobdescriptionis notdesigned tocover orcontain a comprehensivelistofactivities,duties orresponsibilitiesthat are required of the employeeforthis job. Duties,responsibilities andactivities may change at anytime withor withoutnotice.