DE Jobs

Job Information

Lyons CSD Library Media Specialist K-12 Lyons, New York


School Library Media Specialist K-12

Posting Date

March 14, 2025

Starting Date

August 2025

Application Due Date

March 31, 2025


  • New York State provisional or permanent certificate in the field of School Library Media Specialist (Grades K through 12).

  • Possesses and displays the experience, ability, personality, energy, and maturity to meet the everyday demands of students, curriculum, department, school and system.

    Reports to

    Building Principal


  • An individual who is optimistic, who sees events positively and anticipates the best possible outcome.

  • Able to encourage and sustain others’ efforts as they work toward goals.

    Administrative Tasks

  • Develops with the building administrator specific goals and services for the library program that are consistent with the general philosophy of the School System as embodied in curriculum guides, adopted textbooks and handbooks.

  • Understands the details of the instructional program in the building.

  • Establishes standards of student conduct which will make the library atmosphere conducive to research, independent reading and study.

  • Promotes a positive physical learning atmosphere in the library media center through displays, bulletin boards, etc.

  • Supervises the clerk and/or aides assigned to the library media center, to delegate the appropriate jobs and provide sufficient supervision so that these jobs are properly done.

  • Determines, along with the Building Principal, if volunteer help is going to be used and if so, supervises such help.

  • Utilizes services of the public library that may be beneficial to the student.

    Service to Students

  • Provides students at each grade level with appropriate library skills.

  • Prepares and records plans for class assignments at least one (1) week in advance.

  • Encourages the enjoyment and appreciation of print and non-print materials.

  • Acquaints students with resources of the library media center.

    Service to Faculty Members

  • Provides print and non-print materials which support the various curriculum areas.

  • Solicits suggestions from the faculty for print and non-print materials which may be purchased for the library.

  • Acquaints teachers with the resources of the library.

  • Coordinates the teaching of the library skills with the local curriculum.

    Technical Services

  • Orders and maintains, within the confines imposed by the budget, a print and non-print collection which will fill the needs of the school curriculum and which will meet the recreational needs of the students.

  • Maintains a current familiarity with new print and non-print materials.

  • Removes outdated or damaged print and non-print materials from the collection.

  • Conducts and records an annual inventory of equipment, books and supplies.

  • Provides for the cataloging of print and non-print material so that it is accessible for use.

  • Administers the budget and sees that all procedures are followed concerning the ordering and receiving of materials.

  • Implements a circulation system which allows for maximum use of materials and one which keeps losses, damage and misuse of materials to a minimum.


  • Strives to keep informed of the current educational trends in library media field.

  • Attends meetings as required (i.e., faculty meetings, departmental meetings, etc.).

  • Assists in implementing school-wide policies and rules governing student conduct.

  • Serves on established committees either on a voluntary basis or by assignment.

  • Maintains accurate and complete records as required by law, District policy and administrative regulation.

  • Supervises library media student teachers by mutual consent with the Building Principal.

    Other : Performs related duties as required or assigned.

    Job Goal

    To provide all students with an enriched library environment containing a wide variety and range of materials that will invite intellectual growth of all in the school. To strive for quality and promote pride in all District endeavors. To fulfill the Mission of the District and the school assigned.


    Performance of this job will be evaluated annually by the Building Principal, in accordance with Board of Education policy

    Terms of Employment

    Ten-Month Position - In accordance with the terms and conditions set by the Board of Education

Job Qualifications

Application Deadline:04/01/2025

Job Number: Lib 3-14-2025
