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Job Information

Schlumberger Mechanical Engineer – ETO in Leeds, United Kingdom

Mechanical Engineer – ETO

Leeds - United Kingdom

OSS Graduate Engineer



Job Summary:

OurOSSGraduate Engineers areourfuturetechnical leaders andmanagers.The programme, forOSSGraduates Engineers,providesopportunities for our candidatestodevelopskillsand productknowledge,includingleadership,customerinteractionandthedelivery of all aspects of the Engineering scope of supplyto meet our high internal standards. OurOSSGraduate Engineerscan alsowork towards professionalmembershipwitha recognised professional body. At the end of the18-monthgraduate programme,our engineers can useourwell-establishedcareer laddersand development programmes, to further enhance theirprogression throughthe organisation.Yoursuccesswillrewardyou withalastingcareerasanexpert workingattheforefrontof technologicalinnovation.

Our18-monthdevelopment programmeis split into 3 modules. Afteran initialperiod of onboarding, our Graduate Engineers will embark on two 6-monthrotationsacross different Engineering Business Lines. Following this, 3 months will be spent at a manufacturing location, potentially one of our overseas facilities, before a final 3-month cross functional rotation in either Project Management or Sales and Tendering.

Based at our modern offices on the outskirts of Leeds, you will learn the business from the ground up to become a skilled andconfident specialistinthesector. We offer a hybrid working patternallowing you tobenefitfrom working in the office and the flexibility of some time working from home.During theinitialtraining period you willbe requiredto be in the office for themajority ofyourworking week.

Essential Responsibilities and Duties:


  1. Preparingengineeringdocumentation which meet relevantindustry and clientstandardstoenablethemanufacturinggroupandotherdepartmentstoproduceandmarkettheCompany's product(s).

  2. Carryingoutdesignanddevelopmentworkundertheguidanceofexperienced engineerstomeet customers'and/ortheindustry's needs.

  3. Workingwithinstatedprocedurestoensurethatdesignrecords/controlsaremaintained.

  4. Developing in depth knowledge of ourcompanyproducts,designprinciples,manufacturingtechniques,economicandsafedesign.

  5. ParticipatinginValueEngineering/Analysisinitiatives.

Qualification/Entry Requirements:

  • Bachelors orMastersdegree inMechanical Engineering (other closely related degrees considered).

  • Be globallymobile

  • The desire to work in a fast-paced, dynamic business on high value, technically complexproducts/projects

  • TherighttoworkintheUK

Preferred Skills


  • Make sound decisions and initiateDecideandinitiateaction

  • Presentandcommunicateclearlyandconfidently

  • Constantlydrivetolearnandresearch

  • Deliverresultsand meetdemands

  • Remainpositiveduringsetbacks,andwhilst working in afast-pacedenvironment.

OneSubseais an equal employment opportunity employer. Qualified applicants areconsideredwithoutregardtorace,colour,religion,sex,sexualorientation,genderidentity,nationalorigin,age,disability,orother characteristics protectedby law.
