Job Information
BIG SPRING - CITY OF Senior Account Manager in BIG SPRING, Texas
Salary: Depending On Qualifications
This position is responsible for maintaining accounting records for all city financial transactions.
Essential duties and functions may include the following:
- Maintains current and accurate balances in the general ledger; analyzes accounts for the nature and accuracy of transactions and prepares journal entries; balances general ledger accounts monthly.
- Reconciles general ledger, bank deposits, pooled cash and allocates interest to each fund.
- Bills and sends statements to all customers with miscellaneous charges pertaining to landfill, sewer treatment plant, airpark building rentals, cemetery, and golf course; sends collection letters to delinquent customers; sends to collection agency the information needed for collection of delinquent accounts; and reconciles accounts receivable in each fund.
- Assists with budget preparation and completion of the final budget document.
``` - Assists in citys annual operating budget process; attends and participates in budget planning sessions with City Council; reviews and inputs budget figures; prepares proposed and final budget documents.
``` - Prepared quarterly investment reports and other miscellaneous documents. - Calculates and pays sales tax on a monthly basis. - Reconciles fixed assets and records depreciation monthly: tracks assets and updates inventories as to additions/transfers/deletions, updates depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation, oversees conduction of annual inventories, and issues bar codes for new assets. - Prepares and mails quarterly 941 payroll report and municipal court reports. - Prepares annual insurance re-rate package including vehicles, buildings, mobile equipment, crime and general liability; updates records throughout the year. - Assists in procedures for annual closing of financial records and preparation of citys Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (ACFR); reviews pre-closed accounts and makes necessary journal entries to reconcile, to book receivables and payables, and to close for fiscal year end; serves as City liaison to independent auditor. - Performs other duties as assigned.
- Knowledge and level of competency commonly associated with the completion of a baccalaureate degree in a course of study related to the occupational field.
- Sufficient experience to understand the basic principles relevant to the major duties of the position, usually associated with the completion of an apprenticeship/internship or having had a similar position for one to two years.
- Completion of a computer skills test PRIOR to submitting application. Applicants must submit the results of Skills Testing with Application for Employment. The Skills test can be taken at the Texas Workforce Commission located at Howard College, 1001 Birdwell Lane, Suite 106, Big Spring, Texas 79720 (next door to Howard Cottage day care).
- Possession of or ability to readily obtain a valid drivers license issued by the State of Texas.
- Credit checks will be conducted on all applicants under final consideration for this position.
- Knowledge of governmental accounting and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
- Knowledge of relevant federal and state laws, city code, and department policies and procedures.
- Skill in utilizing financial computer software programs.
- Skill in organizing and analyzing information.
- Skill in performing mathematical calculations.
- Skill in using such office equipment as a computer and standard business software calculator, telephone, copier, and facsimile machine.
- Skill in interpersonal relations.
- Skill in oral and written communication.
SUPERVISORY CONTROLS The Finance Director and Assistant Finance Director assign work in terms of general instructions. The supervisor spot-checks completed work for compli nce with procedures, accuracy, and the nature and propriety of the final results.
GUIDELINES Guidelines include governmental accounting standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), audit standards for local governments, and city policies and procedures. These guidelines require judgment, selection, and interpretation in application.
COMPETENCIES An employees performance will be evaluated based on the following competencies: job knowledge, teamwork, customer service, flexibility, and work ethic.
COMPLEXITY The work consists of varied accounting and bookkeeping duties. Frequent interruptions and changing priorities contribute to the complexity of the work.
SCOPE AND EFFECT The purpose of this position is to maintain accurate records of city financial transactions. Successful performance helps ensure the accuracy of financial information provided to all city departments and outside organizations .
PERSONAL CONTACTS Contacts are typically with co-workers, state and federal agency representatives, bank personnel, other city employees, auditors, and the general public.
PURPOSE OF CONTACTS Contacts are typically to give or exchange information and resolve problems.
PHYSICAL DEMANDS The work is typically performed while sitting at a desk or table.
WORK ENVIRONMENT The work is typically performed in an office setting.